
Theside-by-sidecomparisonoftheSynologyDiskStationDS115jandSynologyDiskStationDS216jNASdevices'specifications.Thecomparisontablemakesit ...,極致純粹.SynologyDS115j完善的網路儲存功能,不僅可扮演您個人的私有雲供隨處存.取,還可作為備份裝置、DLNA影音庫、線上相簿、公有雲的本地複本,還有許.,2015年4月12日—Hello,I'mtryingtodecidebetweentheds115andds115j.Myneeds:music(flac)servertoayamahaavrandsonossyst...

Comparison of Synology DiskStation DS115j ...

The side-by-side comparison of the Synology DiskStation DS115j and Synology DiskStation DS216j NAS devices' specifications. The comparison table makes it ...

DiskStation DS115j

極致純粹. Synology DS115j 完善的網路儲存功能,不僅可扮演您個人的私有雲供隨處存. 取,還可作為備份裝置、DLNA 影音庫、線上相簿、公有雲的本地複本,還有許.

Ds115 vs Ds115j

2015年4月12日 — Hello, I'm trying to decide between the ds115 and ds115j. My needs: music (flac) server to a yamaha avr and sonos system.

Synology DiskStation DS115 NAS Review

2015年3月12日 — The DS215j is a fine performer thanks to its dual core 800MHz Marvell CPU and 512MB of DDR3 memory is more than adequate for a small NAS.


2019年1月22日 — With a built-in floating-point unit, DS115j transcodes audio tracks into MP3 format on demand to reduce streaming bandwidth and speeds up ...

Synology DS115 or something else

2020年6月22日 — What do you need at the first point, NAS or file sharing? If NAS, DS115j does the job featuring single drive storage over a network. If file ...

Synology DS115j DiskStation Reviewed

The DS115j's Benchmark Summary below shows write throughput between 65 and 70 MB/s and read between 70 and 98 MB/s. ... The read comparison shows the DS115j with ...

Synology DS118 vs DS116 vs DS115J NAS Comparison

2018年4月5日 — ... and DS115J NAS Compare: Hardware Specifications of DS115 vs DS116 vs DS118 NAS. CPU. Synology DS115J NAS, Synology DS116 NAS, Synology DS118 NAS ...

Synology 發表DS115 單硬碟NAS:雙核心處理器搭載

2015年1月14日 — 相對於我們評測過的入門款DS115j 與前代DS114,這款也支援最高單顆6TB 的新款NAS 伺服器,它的CPU 提升到了800MHz 的雙核心MARVELL Armada 375 88F6720 ...